All Natural Wood Floor Cleaning & Polishing

Home All Natural Wood Floor Cleaning & Polishing

Does your process work on all wood floors? No. Our process will not work if your wood floors have stain missing, bare wood showing, severe large black or gray areas of discoloration from pet urine, water damage and plant stains.

 Also, our process will not address very deep scratches and significant differences in wood tone from the sides of your room compared to the center. In most cases, even sanding will not remedy some of these problems.

Many times, new boards will have to be fashioned by a carpenter and the whole job will need to be re-sanded, stained and re-urethaned.

How long does your wood process take?  Depending on the size of the area involved, it can take a few hours to a whole day.

What are the benefits of your wood process compared to sanding?  Since our exclusive process does not employ sanding , chemical abrasion  or the use of polyurethane, we absolutely guarantee you no dust or fumes whatsoever since our process is organic.

And unlike some un-proven methods that take 24 to 72 hours to cure, our time tested system can be applied over previously waxed wood floors, and  no furniture needs to be moved out of the room.

In addition, our process dries instantly and you can walk on your floors as soon as we are done.

For a free no-obligation evaluation of your wood floors anywhere in central NJ or Bucks County, call us right now at   609-586-5833   or e-mail us at